Forecasting Kunjungan Wisatawan Dengan Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
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Bali is one of the favorite tourist attractions in Indonesia, where the number of foreign tourists visiting Bali is around 4 million over 2015 (Dispar Bali). The number of tourists visiting is spread in various regions and tourist attractions that are located in Bali. Although tourist visits to Bali can be said to be large, the visit was not evenly distributed, there were significant fluctuations in tourist visits. Forecasting or forecasting techniques can find out the pattern of tourist visits.
Forecasting technique aims to predict the previous data pattern so that the next data pattern can be known. In this study using the technique of recurrent neural network in predicting the level of tourist visits. One of the techniques for a recurrent neural network (RNN) used in this study is Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). This model is better than a simple RNN model. In this study predicting the level of tourist visits using the LSTM algorithm, the data used is data on tourist visits to one of the attractions in Bali. The results obtained using the LSTM model amounted to 15,962. The measured value is an error value, with the MAPE technique. The LSTM architecture used consists of 16 units of neuron units in the hidden layer, a learning rate of 0.01, windows size of 3, and the number of hidden layers is 1.
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