Optimasi Pendistribusian Kelas Pada Dosen di STMIK STIKOM Indonesia Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika

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Aniek Suryanti Kusuma
Komang Sri Aryati


The stage of class scheduling starts from scheduling courses in classes, then distributing the class to lecturers. The process of distributing classes to lecturers becomes an obstacle for the STMIK STIKOM Indonesia academic body because the academic body must adjust the existing class with the lecturer who is interested in it as well as the lecturer chosen to support a class so that it does not have classes that have a time conflict.

One method for solving these problems is by using genetic algorithms that work by generating a number of random solutions and then processing the collection of solutions in a genetic process. There are eight genetic algorithm procedures, which are random chromosome generation procedures, chromosome repair to validate chromosomes from their limits, fitness function to calculate the feasibility of a solution, crossover, mutation, child repair and elitism.

The output of this research is in the form of an analysis and determination of the system requirements that must exist. In addition, it produces a trial report on the effect of genetic parameters to determine the effect of changes in the value of genetic parameters on the fitness value and the time used to carry out the distribution process.



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How to Cite
Kusuma, A., & Aryati, K. (2019). Optimasi Pendistribusian Kelas Pada Dosen di STMIK STIKOM Indonesia Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika. Jurnal Sistem Informasi Dan Komputer Terapan Indonesia (JSIKTI), 2(1), 11-20. https://doi.org/10.33173/jsikti.49


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