Perancangan aplikasi multi criteria decision making dalam penerimaan beasiswa kepada dosen studi lanjut STMIK Balikpapan menggunakan metode SAW
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Interests and number of STMIK Balikpapan new student enrollments are increasing every year. The balance of the ratio of lecturers to students is one of the most important components in improving the quality and teaching and learning process of a university. Avoiding shortages in the number of lecturers can be realized by providing scholarship programs to alumni and teaching assistants. This study aims to build a multi criteria decision making application that can assist the Head of HRD in the process of receiving scholarships to advanced and effective study lecturers.
The multi criteria decision making application developed in this study uses the SAW method. The implementation of the SAW method includes the process of evaluating the weighting of criteria, evaluating alternative weights, the matrix process, the results of decision making preferences, resulting in the weighting and ranking of each alternative candidate for the scholarship recipient.
The results of the evaluation of multi-criteria application decision making in the study are expected to produce modeling with a high degree of accuracy. The results of the analysis carried out can provide alternative recommendations for prospective scholarship recipients to advanced study lecturers in STMIK Balikpapan.
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