Fuady Putra, S.Si., M.,Si., Ph.D.aradhana@journals.infoteks.orgOpen Journal Systems PEMBUATAN VIDEO PEMBELAJARAN DENGAN TEKNIK PEMBELAJARAN BLENDED LEARNING DI SDTK GALANG KASIH2024-10-30T14:57:27+00:00Welda Wayan Jeri Suryanti<p>this study purposes to introduce and train educators in making video-based learning media at the Christian Theology Elementary School (SDTK) Galang Kasih. This Community Service is motivated by a limited learning process due to distance learning, and also the data we get, shows that SDTK Galang Kasih has a problem, namely, educators still have limitations in presenting material to students, therefore participants students have difficulty in understanding the material. Then the learning media provided to students is less attractive so that students learning interest is reduced and educators have not been able to make their learning videos. The training process carried out in SDTK uses the Blended Learning learning method of teaching media. Blended Learning is divided into two directions, namely, face-to-face and distance learning. In face-to-face learning, educators are given material in the form of presentations from the Community Service so that they can observe pictures and information from the presentation, besides that, educators also carry out practicum in taking pictures or videos, this is done alternately with other educators Learning outcomes using the Blended Learning method were measured by two techniques, namely interviews and questionnaires for educators. The results of the interview stated that the trainees were able to understand and use tools and software in making video-based learning media. In addition, they are also happy with the video learning training. Then, the results of the Likert scale questionnaire show that educators understand the introduction and manufacture of learning videos, the data is taken from 10 educators who have attended this training.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SEJARAH DESA BUAHAN BERBASIS VIDEO SEBAGAI MEDIA PROMOSI DIGITAL2024-10-30T23:44:03+00:00I Made Satrya<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A historical event or incident relates to and concerns real changes in human life. Indonesia is rich in history, especially village history, which is a historiography that comes from stories with regional nuances. One area that has a wealth of village history is Buahan Village. Introduction to history plays a role as the basis for the identity or character of a region. In addition to being an identifier, history is useful for enriching the national historical treasury and can deepen people's knowledge about the socio-cultural dynamics of this diverse Indonesian society more intimately. The video contains information and a general description of Buahan Village, both regarding the population, potential, livelihoods of the village community, and the natural beauty of the village, with the aim of introducing the potential and village tourism to the community.</span></p>2024-10-30T23:44:02+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGOLAHAN UPDATE DATA SISTEM INFORMASI DESA KUKUH KABUPATEN TABANAN2024-10-31T05:11:43+00:00I Kadek Noppi Adi<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The village government has a mandate to enhance the quality of village governance. Two platforms that help villages manage village data are PRODESKEL and SID. Kukuh Village, Tabanan, is experiencing problems optimizing village data, and the last time the data was updated was in 2016. Therefore, the community service activity team carried out assistance activities in inputting and updating data on the PRODESKEL and SID platforms. The activity was carried out for 5 days and succeeded in updating data on people entering, moving, births, and deaths.</span></p>2024-10-31T05:11:43+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MENGAJAR UNTUK PENGENALAN DASAR KOMPONEN KOMPUTER DAN DASAR MENGETIK PADA SDTK GALANG KASIH2024-10-31T09:58:32+00:00I Gede Hendrayanaigedehendrayana79@gmail.comKharis Sya'ban Kadek Andy Agung Ngurah Putra<p>Not all children in elementary school know the basic components of a computer, using a computer, and typing on a computer. Meanwhile, in this era of information technology, mastering basic computer operations is a skill that must be known and mastered from school. This teaching assistance activity is carried out to introduce computer components and the basics of typing to STDK Galang Kasih students so that they are expected to have the provisions to study, do assignments, and take exams using computers.</p>2024-10-31T09:58:32+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGABDIAN PEMBUATAN SISTEM INFORMASI DESA BUGBUG BERBASIS WEBSITE MENGGUNAKAN OPENSID RILIR V23.012024-10-31T12:33:02+00:00Made Putri Dewa Gede Herman Ririn Sri Wayan Widi<p>This community service activity aims to assist Bugbug Village in improving administrative efficiency and transparency by implementing a web-based administrative information system. The system is developed using OpenSID Rilir V23.01, an open-source platform specifically designed for village administration needs in Indonesia. By utilizing web-based technology, this application allows easier and more integrated access for village staff in managing administrative data such as population, finances, and public services. The expected outcomes include faster administrative services, increased transparency to the public, and a reduction in data errors compared to previous manual systems.</p>2024-10-31T12:33:02+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##