ACSIE (International Journal of Application Computer Science and Informatic Engineering) <p><strong> <img style="float: left; width: 200px; margin-top: 8px; margin-right: 10px;" src=""> </strong></p> <p align="justify">ACSIE (International Journal of Application Computer Science and Informatic Engineering) is a journal managed and published by INFOTEKS (Technology Information, Computer and Sciences), with<a href=";1554451958&amp;1&amp;&amp;"> e-ISSN <span style="font-family: palatino; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: palatino; font-size: medium;">2685-4600 </span></span></a> and <a href=";1554451958&amp;1&amp;&amp;">p-ISSN: <span style="font-family: palatino; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: palatino; font-size: medium;">xxxx-xxxx</span></span></a>. JSIKTI diterbitkan pertama kali pada bulan September 2018 dan memiliki periode penerbitan sebanyak empat kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Maret, Juni, September dan December.</p> <p align="justify">This journal focuses on <strong>Data analysis, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Genetic Algorithm, Bioinformatics / Biomedical Applications, Biometrical Applications, Content-Based Multimedia Retrievals, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Information System, Game Mobile, and IT Business Incubation.</strong></p> <p align="justify">Semua artikel pada ACSIE akan diproses oleh redaksi melalui Online Journal System (OJS), dan penulis dapat memantau keseluruhan proses di member area.</p> <p align="justify">JSIKTI diterbitkan pertama kali pada bulan September 2018 dan memiliki periode penerbitan sebanyak empat kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan May and November.</p> <p align="justify"><strong>Before submission,</strong><br>You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the ACSIE paper TEMPLATE, has been carefully proofread and polished, and conformed to the author gudelines.</p> <p align="justify">Since 2018, Open Journal Systems (OJS) has been applied for all business process in ACSIE. Therefore, the authors are required to register in advance and upload the manuscript by online. The process of the manuscript could be monitored through OJS. Authors, readers, editorial board, editors, and peer review could obtain the real time status of the manuscript. Several other changes are informed in the <a href="/ijeis/about/history" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Journal History</strong></a><span lang="id">.</span></p> en-US (Sekretariat ACSIE) Sat, 30 Nov 2019 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Shopping Cart Analysis System in Product Layout Management with Apriori Algorithm Coco Mart which is one of the retail network brands engaged in household needs is a company from PT. Bali Pawiwahan (Coco Group). As time goes on, transaction data continues to multiply and cannot be utilized by managerial parties to process transaction data that continues to grow every time. From transaction data, there is information or knowledge that can be extracted. The results of the research conducted, the construction of a shopping basket analysis system to process sales transaction data over the past four years, starting from 2013 with the aim of knowing consumer spending patterns. So that the Shopping Cart Analysis System can be a decisions support in business strategies to regulate the layout of goods and promote product combinations that are often purchased by Coco Mart Jimbaran customers. Komang Kurniawan Widiartha, Desak Putu Diah Kumala Dewi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Nov 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Design and Development Key Board For Aksara Bali On Android With Auto Parts Improvement Balinese is used as a natural language used in daily life in the islands of Bali, given the importance of preserving Balinese, the provincial government of Bali has tried to preserve Balinese in various ways, one of which is by issuing a Balinese Governor Regulation. Not only the government is trying to preserve Balinese language and script, some people are also trying to preserve it. The inclusion of Balinese script in Unicode makes it very easy to display Balinese script in various media. Balinese script is unique in the number of letters used. In this study, the device will be developed to enter in the form of a keyboard or keyboard and an application called Tamiang to facilitate users in typing and using the Balinese script on a computer device. The layout of the buttons on Tamiang are arranged according to the level of use of each character. Tamiang has only been developed on computer devices with multiplatform concepts. Along with technological developments, the computer device in this study will be developed Tamiang application on the Android platform. So that it can facilitate anyone in accessing and learning the Balinese language. Ida Bagus Ary Indra Iswara, Putu Praba Santika, I Nyoman Saputra Wahyu Wijaya ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Nov 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Business Process Analysis and Modeling Using the Business Process Improvement Framework at the Internal Quality Assurance STMIK STIKOM Indonesia STMIK STIKOM Indonesia is a college that organizes two study programs namely Informatics Engineering and Computer Systems. STIKI Indonesia has set SPMI in accordance with the PPEPP cycle. To ensure that SPMI can run as stipulated, the monitoring process is carried out with an Internal Quality Audit (AMI) facilitated by the STIKI Indonesia Internal Quality Assurance Institute (LPMI). Repeated business processes cause delays in obtaining the results of AMI's recapitulation, even though the results of the recapitulation are urgently needed as a report in the Senate Meeting to be evaluated as an effort to improve quality management at STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. Therefore the business process model that runs on the implementation of the Internal Quality Audit of STMIK STIKOM Indonesia will further be identified the existing problems and be analyzed and corrected. Business Process Improvement (BPI) is an approach or method that the writer will use to improve existing business processes at the AMI stage. BPI aims to improve business processes and ensure that issues in an organization's business processes are handled properly. Business process modeling that will be used is Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) which is a tool to describe or model business process diagrams based on flowchart techniques, arranged to create graphical models of business operations where there are activities and flow controls that define work order Desak Made Dwi Utami Putra, Welda Welda ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Nov 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Group Decision Support System Penentuan Dana Pengembangan Pariwisata dengan Model AHP, TOPSIS dan Copland Score Bali is promoting the development of tourist villages and the development of many tourist villages in the area. The development of tourism villages can generate large regional income or income derived from the tourism sector. The problem is that not all tourist villages develop and generate revenue for the government, even many tourist villages are quiet from tourist visits. The selection of the best tourism village aims to find out what supporting factors can increase tourist visits and provide assistance to the tourist village. The purpose of the aid providers is to improve the quality of tourism in the area. The model used in the selection of tourist villages is the AHP and BORDA models. Both models are able to rank tourist villages from several criteria owned by tourist villages. The decision holder in this system is the Tourism Office of Tabanan Regency and the Province of Bali.. Muslimin B, Arfan Mauko, Paholo Iman Prakoso, Asslia Johar Latipah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Nov 2019 16:55:56 +0000 Penentuan Obyek Wisata Terbaik di Provinsi Bali dengan Model TOPSIS Abstract ; Bali is promoting the development of tourist villages and the development of many tourist villages in the area. The development of tourism villages can generate large regional income or income derived from the tourism sector. The problem is that not all tourist villages develop and generate revenue for the government, even many tourist villages are quiet from tourist visits. The selection of the best tourism village aims to find out what supporting factors can increase tourist visits and provide assistance to the tourist village. The purpose of the aid providers is to improve the quality of tourism in the area. The model used in the selection of tourist villages is the AHP and BORDA models. Both models are able to rank tourist villages from several criteria owned by tourist villages. The decision holder in this system is the Tourism Office of Tabanan Regency and the Province of Bali.. Putu Sugiartawan, Icsan Wiryatama, I Made Gitra Aryawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Nov 2019 16:56:54 +0000