Designing Seasoning Information Systems for Processed Meat Production at PT. Aromaduta Rasaprima

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I Nyoman Astawa
Putu Sugiartawan
Komang Trisnadewi


The revolution of technology and knowledgement embarks human to resources re new their technology as easy as the can aplicate in their environment. The company the new computerized and communication technology. We could make information depends on conclution of some datas.

       The best information is the conclution of some problems that could have benefits for humans to solve their environments problems and also support them to make some decision.


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How to Cite
Astawa, I., Sugiartawan, P., & Trisnadewi, K. (2019). Designing Seasoning Information Systems for Processed Meat Production at PT. Aromaduta Rasaprima. ACSIE (International Journal of Application Computer Science and Informatic Engineering), 1(1), 31-42.